Music and/or entertainment business persons and performers. Professional members receive a membership card designating the category of members, a subscription to The Western Way, advance information on IWMA and other Western Music events, discounts on IWMA ticketed events, and one vote on all WMA business matters. Performing members will receive a free listing on the IWMA website which includes a photo, a 75-word bio, and a direct link to your website and contact information.
Not a music or media professional but want to take part? Become a Supporting Member. All supporting members in the IWMA receive a membership card designating the category of membership, a subscription to The Western Way, advance information on IWMA and other Western Music events, advance purchase discounts on IWMA ticketed events, and one vote on all matters of business brought before the membership.
To join the IWMA online, select your membership by clicking on the buttons below. Or to mail your payment, simply click on the "Download Application" button below and email, or mail it to us with a check or credit card number. Questions or for further information, contact Marsha Short, IWMA Executive Director at 505-563-0673. Checks should be made payable, in U.S. Dollars and sent to IWMA - P. O. Box 648 - Coppell, Texas 75019
Supporting Membership Professional Membership Youth Membership (thru High School) Youth Membership (thru High School Grad thru 21) Patron Membership Business/Gathering Membership Life Membership